Hey Lovely Genies! ✨

Did you know that genealogy challenges can be transformed into genealogy organisation opportunities?

Much like the dandelion’s ingenious method of seed dispersal, genealogy roadblocks are opportunities for innovation and progress. 🌱🌼

I had a recent experience that I learned a lot from – and I thought it might help you too. 💡

Have you ever…

Faced a genealogy roadblock that was so frustrating because the solution seemed to be out of reach? 🛑

You just wanted it fixed!

And then you discover that it held the key 🔑 to a game-changing solution?

Well, that was me two weeks ago!

I wanted a colour copy of my 2024 Genealogy Organising Planner.

Simple right!

Until I researched what the local copy store was going to charge me!

I desperately wanted a printed copy, but the cost was exorbitant! 💵😩💵

And then I was thinking about you lovely genies – you probably experienced the same thing.

So then I started feeling bad. 😢

Because I had created a problem not just for me, but worse, for all of you!

Here was this fabulous planner that was too expensive to print!

❓❓I thought – what’s the point of having it???

(I was not feeling grand at this point).

I didn’t know what to do… 🤔

So here’s the twist – 🎉 necessity sparked innovation.

I wanted to find a way that all you lovely genies could print the planner at a reasonable cost.

Let’s queue_ _ _ online, on-demand printing! (OMG, it’s my new favourite thing!)

And with a bit of 💪 reworking…

Voilà, anyone can now access the planner 📚 (with proper professional covers and binding!) and have it delivered to their house – for less than half the cost!

[Insert HAPPY DANCE here 💃🏻 💃🏻 💃🏻]

2024 genealogy organising planner with flowers and a cup of coffee.

This whole 180° scenario got me thinking – how can we optimise this journey?


Can our challenges become catalysts for positive change and organisation?


What are the key elements that help us transform a difficulty into an opportunity?

And this is what I want to share with you…

Here are my ‘Top 5 Tips For Turning Genealogy Challenges into Genealogy Organisation Opportunities’

🔍 Identify The Problem 🔍

  • This may not be as easy as it sounds!
  • Finding the root problem could involve deeper exploration
  • Take your time and really assess where the problem lays
  • ‘Where does it start’ and ‘what/who does it affect’ are two really important questions
  • Give yourself time to think about it over a few days – perhaps even weeks – so that your subconscious mind has time to work on it too

🧠 Engage A Learning Mindset 🧠

  • While the problem may seem overwhelming, take a step back and know that it is not only manageable – but changeable
  • Pay attention to your self-talk – that it’s not focused on the problem, but rather the potential solutions/s
  • Embrace the situation as a learning opportunity – as a chance to make improvements in your genealogy and its organisation
  • Adopting a continuous learning attitude turns setbacks into stepping stones
  • Celebrate not only achievements but also moments of learning and improvement – this reinforces the mindset that challenges are valuable experiences

🖼️ Use The Power Of Reframing & Association 🖼️

  • Use the power of association to reframe the situation
  • Explore connections between seemingly unrelated elements or situations to help spark creative ideas for innovative approaches to genealogy organisation
  • Ask yourself ‘what’ questions rather than ‘how’ questions so that the logistics don’t cramp your innovation
  • Capture all of your ideas, mix them up, shake them out so that your ideas go beyond traditional thinking and strategies
  • These tactics may not prove to the be the final answer, but they may well shine a light on it

🛠️ Turn It Into A Project 🛠️

  • Give yourself permission to spend time on this opportunity to overcome this bugbear – it’s an investment in yourself and your genealogy
  • Spend time on outlining your desired outcome/s so you know what you’re aiming for
  • Be flexible – an innovative solution will require that breadth of scope
  • Capture and capitalise on your evolving insights – they may just provide the key
  • Gather any resources you may need (including the 2024 Genealogy Organising Planner) so you can map-out action plans – or at least, a sense of direction

👥 Seek Guidance & Ideas 👥

  • Seek guidance and resources where you can – you don’t have to do this alone
  • Collective wisdom can provide fresh perspectives and practical solutions
  • The answer may lie in an unexpected quarter – so the more perspectives and experiences you can gather, the better the input, and potentially, the better the solution
  • Use genealogy brain trusts such as the Organise Your Genealogy Facebook group – we have more than 17,000 brains in there!
  • Referring back to tip three, mix and match the advice you receive because inspiration and the answer may come from a few different sources

I hope this helps give you some motivation and inspiration.

And if you have an example of your own, please share it. 🙏❤️

The word sally on a black background.

PS. If you haven’t already got your copy…

Here’s the Genealogy Organising Planner PDF

And here’s the Genealogy Organising Workbook
